When I first started this blog, I was in my most idealist state of being.  Having come out of 10 years of spiritual adventures, no family of my own,  I was light and free to go and do whatever I pleased.  When I moved away from my home of many years in California to Florida, I went through 6.5 years of cleansing by fire and pain.  At the tale end of that period, I became a mother to a now amazing 3.5 year old.  The path of motherhood both as a stepmom and biological for now a total of 7 years, changed me.  Some of the struggles that life had me endure during that period created a death experience in which the me that I thought I was, broke.  Sure, I had love, but many times, I felt lost at sea away from my home of California, in a life with a whole new set of parameters. There were also a number of energies and forces in Florida that truly tried to break my spirit.  It almost worked.  Key word…almost.

What my time in Florida showed me, is how much deep suffering is happening in other parts of the world where community, clean living, and ascension consciousness is lacking.  It taught me what many of my clients come to me with, and how fighting against forces in their environment is a whole other challenge on top of our own inner battles. It surely has given me more compassion than I already thought I had. It taught me to learn about other spiritual paradigms as a lifeline to survive that I may not have journeyed into had it not been for this pain.  I entered into the world of nature based/indigineous spiritual studies from Africa to England that awakened in me parts of my lineage and ancestors ways.  These practices have allowed me to create more in my life, protect myself better, and have brought the sacredness to my day to day life on a whole new level.

I also became deeply committed to kundalini yoga and have evolved and healed on deep, deep levels.  My practice of mantra is a thread that keeps me healing each and every day. It has helped me have more resources for my clients as well in my healing practice.

And yet, after having my own child, I have given much of my extra energy to clients and my son.  I haven’t figured out yet how to maintain enough energy for myself. As I revisit my own wounding from growing up with a schizophrenic mother, I find myself giving twice the amount of energy to my son to make up what I did not receive.  I couldn’t control it if I tried for now. It’s like a deep impulse to give and give and make him the happiest being I could ever have him be.  I am deeply touched by being a mother while also very tired.  It’s not my child’s fault. It is my own for not knowing how to not over give.  I have been a healer now for 18 years and all I know is giving.  So, all I have described above is why my writing ceased for so long.  But now, I find deep solace in expressing and sharing with all of you.  This gives me energy, so I know it is a key to rebuilding my life force once again.

As a result, I have risen from the ashes…not unscathed, but wiser. And ready to share more open hearted messages, love, and insights, with all of you.  Stay perked, for more posts to come. Also, I am very active on my instagram: blissfullifecounseling. Join me there. And, youtube: Blissfullifehealing for frequent Energy Updates about the state of things, and how we can utilize planetary forces to continue our own process of ascension and evolution.  I love you all and have missed you!!! I’m back!!!!

We want things in life…well at least most of us do. And the thing is, it is hard not to be attached to those wants, and desires. In fact, we may be so attached to power, control, or desire, that we can end up manipulating.

In my temple system lineage, the Dolphin Star Higher Council, we were asked to commit to being impeccable as a person. This doesn’t mean perfect, but it does mean abiding by certain values because they not only keep us evolving, but they also help us hold a certain frequency for the planet. So, today I wanted to bring up the subtle ways we can get caught going into lower vibration.  Manipulation is the kind of thing that might  not always be dark magic, because it doesn’t necessarily wish evil upon a person; but it is not light either.  It’s in between…grey.  It is no different than a sorcerer using a spell to make someone do something beyond their free will.  If it is done using words or lies…then be aware you are working out of the light.

When working with others, I find this to be quite prevalent in the group consciousness on this planet…so I thought it would be a good one to address for us all to check within and ask, how much do I participate in this? Check below to see if you have ever done these behaviors.

1. Buttering Someone Up. This happens when you know there is something you want from someone, and so you offer something you think they want, but it is not from a pure place.  In fact, you don’t care about the success or bringing kindness to the person at all. Your intention is solely to get what you need from them and thus the giving is self-serving.  This is not to say we can’t have win-win’s in life. We can, but when you know in your heart you deliberately are thinking, “How can I make this person do what I want?”, then you have left the realm of win-win, and gone into manipulation.

2. Obligation. This one is similar to the one above, except if you have done something for someone, and you feel they owe you now.  In fact, perhaps you may even create a situation where you do something just so you can get what you want through creating a frequency of guilt in the interaction.  Oh boy, when you enter this realm, you are going down a path of unnecessary turmoil for you attract people who will eventually fight back when they feel you have laid a guilt trip on them too much.  Suddenly you are in a psychic fight where people don’t want to feel caught under your thumb.

3. Facade. This is when a person creates the appearance that they are accepting of you or something you like or do, but really they are going to try to control your behavior anyway.  Perhaps a father wants his son to not play a sport.  He may tell the son you can play it, but then when its time to play it, he is only allowed to do it in the backyard.  Thus, rather than telling the true feelings and helping his son understand his concerns about the sport (ie. football and brain injury), he has made it appear like his child is free, while truly still restricting and controlling him.  Eventually, people catch on to this one, and it will create animosity in relationships.

4. Create a Story.  Last, but not least, this is another way of saying: lying. White lie, or big lie, it is out of integrity because it is a way to manipulate, and even worse, bend someone’s will against their permission.  If you lie to get what you want, it might be to convince someone of something you want to do that they might otherwise say no to.  However, creating a story makes it a lot easier.  You don’t have to deal with their “no”, and you can also make them feel like they have to say yes.  For example, you may create a dire situation to make sure people think it is an exceptional situation, an extenuating circumstance, thereby causing them to say “yes” this one time.

White lies may not seem like a big deal, but they do 2 things.  They create a pattern of doing that to get out of uncomfortable situations which stops us from learning to speak our truth, and to work things out. They also as a result build a web around the energy field that eventually turns into something that looks like a spider web of negative energy because they have a cumulative effect.

See how intricate this dynamic can get?  The fact of the matter is, it is a way of devolving (did I coin a word?). You can learn to be with the flow of the Universe, co-create, and detach from desire which will ultimately make you free. Or you can live your life following every whim or impulse, a slave. When we begin to speak the truth of what we need, and sometimes get what we want, and sometimes not, we learn that this Universe was meant to be a cocreation of allowing and harmony.  We learn to share and this, my people, makes a better world.

With love,


Ariah is a counselor, Pleiadian healer, and New-thought minister. http://www.blissfullifecounseling.info/ariah-s-healing-bloghttp://www.ariahvelasquez.wordpress.com

connect here http://www.facebook.com/ariah.blissfullife Copyright 2015

The Channelers Book release:  http://www.lulu.com/shop/ariah-velasquez-ma/love-lives-a-guide-to-succesful-relationship-through-communication-spirituality-and-empathy/paperback/product-21190066.html

Life is a series of cycles, and as new cycles come in, it is helpful to have clear intent on the meaning, and purpose of that cycle.  Working with so many people now for 15 years, one thing I have discovered is the main source of most people’s depressions is feeling a lack of purpose.  Find purpose through the Universal cycles.  When we make it less personal, less about us, we actually find what our unique contribution is meant to be.  Funny how that works.

So what is this year for? Taking the things that maybe you thought were seed ideas, or maybe you have cultivated but have not fully blossomed, and then actually taking steps to do something about them.  I told one client who desired to start a business that seemed pretty ambitious, that the only thing between her and the people already doing that business successfully, was that they went and did all the steps to make it happen. Her idea is to create a natural makeup line. I told her, well go see the chemist to create it. She had already learned about the herbal properties.  Sometimes our dreams feel so huge or so far away, but all they are is a series of steps.  Put one foot in front of the other and do it!

My husband always says to me, “no grass grows under YOUR feet”, because I have lived my life taking action, so much to the point where I often feel my dreams can be burdens! This is because it means lots of actions need to be taken…and I won’t rest until I have done them ALL.  And then of course, another dream appears, and now the steps are endless.  For me, it has been a process of surrendering to the flow and taking action in a beautiful dance that allows the enjoyment of the process.

This year, it is our time for many who have been brewing up little ideas or large ones, in the back of your mind, or that have actually started a process that needs to go to the next level.  And you know what? This is ALL OF US. We are born to dream. We are born creators being ONE with creator.  Creators can be business people, and they can be musicians.  It doesn’t matter how it shows up.  Create.

Do not get side stepped by the victim mentality of, “why doesn’t it work out for me, it works out for him”. Or,  “they were lucky, I have to do this everyday to make a living”.  Oh dear ones, this is such a trap. A trap I say! Just because you dream and put effort out doesn’t mean each thing will go to where you thought it should go. However, chances are, if you keep trying something will stick.  Your higher self has laid out a perfect divine plan for you. You don’t always have the knowledge of what it is because spirit has allowed us to experience mystery as human beings.  In the mystery, we learn to become humble, and surrender; release the egoic attachment…and in that is God/Goddess realization.  So create, take action, and let go for 2015. And this will surely be a great year.

With love,


Ariah is a counselor, Pleiadian healer, and New-thought minister. http://www.blissfullifecounseling.info/ariah-s-healing-bloghttp://www.ariahvelasquez.wordpress.com

connect here http://www.facebook.com/ariah.blissfullife Copyright 2015

The Channelers Book release:  http://www.lulu.com/shop/ariah-velasquez-ma/love-lives-a-guide-to-succesful-relationship-through-communication-spirituality-and-empathy/paperback/product-21190066.html

Yes, the childhood song…it’s true. Every last piece of this reality is ruled by each individuals perception.  What we see here as solid, is only solid because that is the information our brain is picking up.  What is happening around us, is based on our view of what it means built around our perceptions, our mental constructs, and our belief systems aka THOUGHTFORMS.  Even in the state of co-creation, this reality only appears to be different than our dream state.  Certain “receptors” are unaware while we sleep (unless you have practiced for them not to be), while other parts of our consciousness remain awake.  And when we “wake” up, the same thing is happening.  As we train our minds to go into the Theta state in “waking” reality, we actually can experience the same reality we do when we go to sleep at night.  The more we strengthen this ability to switch back and forth, the more we begin to see that reality merges together with dream time, and that all is actually extremely flexible.

Our thoughts are flexible, and even what we appear to be solid is flexible.  Some yogis have developed Siddhas, or skills that allow them to pierce what normally is perceived as reality.  This includes, being able to place a handprint, into something that appears solid.  A miracle? Or is it simply that they have transcended normal perception?  The parts of our brain that are not being used have access to see the flexibility of reality that exists.  In other studies done, it is shown that people experiencing life in this way actually have calm parietal lobes in the brain. The calming of the parietal lobes on the sides of the head, allow for a shift in experiencing life.  And just so you know, this is not for just the special.  This is called evolution.  This is our birthright to see the truth of reality.

Why is this important? Well, for one, knowing this, whether we are or not fully experiencing this fully yet, takes humans out of victim mode, into creators.  You create your own reality is no longer a concept, but a way of life.  We have the power to manifest in this flexible reality. In fact, a recent article I read discussed a scientist found that human intention can actually be contained and studied to have an effect on reality, things, people. We are not slaves to our incomes, or to our experience.  We can make changes even if we don’t know how they will come to pass.  All that is important is to believe in the above,and continue to focus on the intention.

Many of us have heard of Abraham Hicks and about the law of attraction.  Well that is just one benefit of understanding what I speak of here. It is also to move into the true nature of the mind.  The true nature of the mind is truly detached from judgment or how things should be.  It is free. It is consciousness viewing life, emotions, experiences.  And each of us has a consciousness that has it’s own unique way of participating in life.  Your consciousness may simply see all as light…maybe as play…maybe as divine life force aka power.   The consciousness is simply experiencing it and through the understanding that life is but a dream, we move closer to our brain and life becoming free of suffering. We do not need to suffer.

Many of you reading this now have heard this, but it sounds like an outlandish concept when you fee like you have to do something to make this happen, to be free of attachment, to become your Buddha/Christ self. However, I say, start with life is a dream. And then what may come next is that you take problems, pain, and such, less seriously. It doesn’t mean you live irresponsibly, it means you are less likely to make them such big deals that they immobilize you. And when those problems aren’t a big deal, they become like a humorous movie as the ego continues to respond like a drama queen. The Taoist way is to let humor take over.  It is not so serious. It is a dreamlike reality that changes on the drop of a hat.  Notice how one day can make such a difference?

Once there is a shift towards the above, the expansion, knowing, and attainment of the true nature of the mind will come easily and with grace, because it is who you really are.  We were meant to enjoy this life, to be abundant, to create with power.  We were meant to transcend human suffering.  It may not be everyones path to do so in this lifetime, and that is ok. Do not force this upon people making a choice to be asleep.  We will all make it.  This life is yet one drop in the vastness of all that we are. Make your own personal choice, which makes it easier for others to have a shift, just by you holding divine truth in your consciousness. And enjoy the dream.

With light,

Ariah Velasquez

Ariah is a counselor, Pleiadian healer, and New-thought minister. http://www.blissfullifecounseling.info/ariah-s-healing-bloghttp://www.ariahvelasquez.wordpress.com

connect here http://www.facebook.com/ariah.blissfullife Copyright 2014

The Channelers Book release:  http://www.lulu.com/shop/ariah-velasquez-ma/love-lives-a-guide-to-succesful-relationship-through-communication-spirituality-and-empathy/paperback/product-21190066.html

The first shift truly occurred while working with the Pleiadians adjusting my sacred geometry. Sacred geometry is the universal patterns that make up the Universe including the physical body. In a meditation from a book I read, it had the Pleiadians guiding readers into adjusting this to be tuned to higher dimensional vibrations and frequencies. I made the request and in a matter of seconds a huge surge of energy so strong I could barely breathe rushed through my body. I felt fear surface as it felt like my physical body could not possibly contain the divine force that was moving through me. Telepathically, I asked for them to slow down, and they immediately did. I must say, now that I know what it lead to, I kind of wished I had found out what would have happened if I fully surrendered…immediate enlightenment? That would be wonderful!  But, what I did get was my being beginning to vibrate at a higher frequency, and the beginning of a many year path into ascension. I cannot say that I just ascended one day. I feel that evolution is a never ending process; but I did change.

Not only did I have a cold that day, that was now completely gone…but I had new sight…clairvoyant sight. I was not looking for it, or striving to have it. I simply walked outside and suddenly could see black splotches in people’s “energy fields”. I didn’t even really know much about energy fields, but I just knew intuitively these black spots were where people were blocked. I felt very uncomfortable seeing this, and asked the Pleiadians to take it away. They did, until I was ready years later to use this skill as a healer.

Well, life was not the same anymore. I felt like my body had an internal buzzing, and shaky feeling all the time. I felt the desire to meditate morning, noon, and night. And all I cared about was connecting to the spirit realm. People perceived me at this time as very ungrounded, and in my spirit body at all times. I had one foot in this reality, and one foot in another. I had out of body experiences, and began to move to the astral planes before bed. It would start with a shaking feeling and then suddenly I would see myself go through a black and white tunnel…next thing you know I would be out of body in my bedroom. And no, I was not on any psychadelics! These things were happening to me on there own. I was only 20 years old, and this was very intense for me.

I began having interactions with many beings. I began seeing beings that resided in the 4th and 5th dimension. I saw beings appear that I had never heard of or even knew they were part of the healing world symbols. I would wake in the morning seeing a huge white owl in spirit form sitting on my bed. I also began to connect clairaudiently to beings. I was receiving messages that I was going to be ok. I would hear music…angelic singing. It was amazing, but also overwhelming. I reached out to a shaman, and a Pleiadian healer to begin helping me understand.

The shamans name was Jean Pierre. He was an urban shaman who had lived in a cave for years, and now was in my hometown in NYC. He told me my psychic abilities were developing. For example, my nose began to frequently flutter. This was when an entity that needed to be cleared was nearby. Pressure on my crown often occurred, which was when I was receiving a new “download” of info.

After I began my training in the Dolphin Star Temple Mystery School, I continued to have more ascension symptoms. After a month with my teacher, Amorah Quan Yin, I went home to Williamsburg, Brooklyn, and placed myself in a healing chamber called a Whole Brain Activation. This helps areas in the brain that we have shut down to be reawakened and it highly enhances Full Sensory ability. Well, my eyes had blurred vision as my inner sight integrated even more for about 2 weeks and then it went away. I knew that it was simply an adjustment to the way I saw the world, in a more non-judging way, and the ability to see the deeper experience each person was having each time I met someone.

Soon, the look of my eyes and crown changed. When being measured, my doctor noticed the top of my head had grown in the back, and I was 1/2  inch taller. The crown will adjust to accommodate the full brain activation. My physical eyes began to have a look where one eye was set back on the face, while the other was more forward. I noticed the same look on other clairvoyants.

Often, when I or someone else would be speaking truth, the blue pearl would appear in the room…blue, the color of the throat chakra represents truth. Immediately a blue light would appear when truth was spoken. And of course, the light visuals began on day one in meditation and in terms of seeing people’s auric colors. I will see a lot of violet in people that practice multidimensional spirituality on a consistent basis.

As the ascension process deepened, my chakras began tuned to bliss. Everyday one chakra was done with its ascension process, I would experience what you could call an orgasmic sensation in that part of the body and a sensation of liquid nectar flooding that area…so yes, even in places that are totally non-sexual, like the throat. That is because the energy is Universal energies, which are naturally orgasmic and not related to physical body stimulation. It is the web of life, this energy, which is why it forms life.

Many of these experiences integrated as my normal daily life. When that occurred, the oneness process began. A series of processes began the experience of merging with all things and people. Day to day life began to feel like each person was an extension of myself. This resulted in a high level of empathic response, and knowingness of feelings that moved through each person in my life close or not close, and whether in person or not in person. This has probably been actually the most challenging of all the ascension symptoms. It has sometimes felt like knowing too much. To feel the pain of others, the anger of others….with the mind still judging right and wrong, it is cumbersome. The mind is always there, even when the ego has detached from it. The minds role never changes. It is there to judge, to live in duality. It is part of what we came here to experience, or we would not have incarnated on Earth. However, when feeling love, the oneness has allowed a sense of pure merge and kinship with many. It has allowed the ability to feel great love, and to feel limitless, boundless with the ability to share love and feel in love with many people without it being personal or romantic. The love has no limits at all.

The next part of my process was the experience of the true nature of reality and what I AM. I AM PURE CONSCIOUSNESS CREATING. I was blessed to be given this transmission from a Taoist teacher, Ching Fung. He never told me he was going to give me this experience, and one day, when I was feeling great love for my teacher, it happened. All fell away, and my true nature emerged: simple and childlike. No agenda, no judgment, pure sweetness, pure witness. I have never forgotten that this is the truth, even when the illusion and hologram becomes intense on the outside.

The final step I took into my ascension up until today was what I will write below. But please know, the process, truly is unending. We expand more and more in this mysterious, limitless Universe. We are the great mystery unfolding. So, my most recent initiation was into that of divine grace and holding the healing presence. This is different then doing a healing. This is walking as the healing itself. Being able to emit grace in my own life and others has been a process of learning how to merge with Source and the Mystic Christ energies. I experienced the grace from other mystics before I was finally initiated to hold it within myself. I would experience it as being in the presence of a person that would just melt my heart into tears within seconds. They would emanate out something that shattered every wall I had up by just looking at me. It happened in a few Ashrams where some of the encounters were so brief, I don’t even remember the teacher. And it happened with mystic Bill Bauman where he loved me so deeply and all his students that our hearts and minds would merge allowing us to understand without being taught what it meant to bring in divine grace in our own bodies, and then pour it out as the cup was full. He gave us the understanding of surrendering completely to divine light, to divine love. And I became one with the Mystic Christ within and without. I feel no separation from this energy, it is me, and I am it.

As far as I know, I still have much life to live here on Earth, and as we all ascend together in our own way, we create a reality where we are truly actualized beings living as we were meant to, fulfilling our destiny.

Ariah is a counselor, Pleiadian healer, and New-thought minister.http://www.blissfullifecounseling.info/ariah-s-healing-blog,http://www.ariahvelasquez.wordpress.com

connect here http://www.facebook.com/ariah.blissfullife Copyright 2014

The Channelers Book release: http://www.lulu.com/shop/ariah-velasquez-ma/love-lives-a-guide-to-succesful-relationship-through-communication-spirituality-and-empathy/paperback/product-21190066.html

Ariah Velasquez – Supermoon  Relief – August  10 2014

I don’t always write about each moon or astrological event, however, I believe this supermoon is quite special for those who have needed shifts from recurring cycles, experiences, and have wanted quantum leaps.  The moon today, and the energy leading up to the moon has truly been powerful, for it allows us to get exactly what we need to do to make change.  It allows us to powerfully go where we haven’t gone with situations that feel they have no end, or feel like there is no solution.

Today, light a candle and sit in meditation.  Reflect on the past few days on how you may have been assisted to transcend deep seated patterns or recurring challenges.  Ask to receive your profound insight on how to start a new phase of life.  Perhaps, a new phase of life already began this week.  Notice, give thanks, and gratitude, for this awareness will amp up your positive change even more.

Light incense, and gather a bowl of salt water.  Touch the ground with your palms.  Ask the elements of Earth, Air, Water, and Fire, to activate your personal power to transcend any and all that has occurred in your consciousness.  Take action. Do not sit and wait for life to get better.  Call in the elements of nature and spirit, and your higher self today to be an active participant in having a quantum shift in your life.  Do not sabotage your prayer through thoughts of negative vibration…the I cants, the what ifs, the I am a victim, no one cares, no one helps mentalities, wave goodbye today if you wish.  Insist on only the solution showing itself, for the energies support you now.  It is time dear ones, for your relief.  You have gone through your mountains, and your fire.  It is time to float above, and feel the bliss of who you are again.

With light,



Ariah is a counselor, Pleiadian healer, and New-thought minister. http://www.blissfullifecounseling.info/ariah-s-healing-bloghttp://www.ariahvelasquez.wordpress.com

connect here http://www.facebook.com/ariah.blissfullife Copyright 2014

The Channelers Book release:  http://www.lulu.com/shop/ariah-velasquez-ma/love-lives-a-guide-to-succesful-relationship-through-communication-spirituality-and-empathy/paperback/product-21190066.html


Goodmorning to all the readers. I am back…and will be now weekly!  I sit this morning pondering the vastness of the divine.  With the permission of my client, I wish to share a story with you today.  This client has a son with severe behavioral problems.  When I would coach her with disciplinary tactics, she would share that she was afraid of “breaking his spirit” or being unkind.  She feared that if she set boundaries with him, it would be unkind.  Now by no means would I recommend any type of corporal punishment to her, but when it came to not letting him play that day if he continued disrespect to her, and act out, that was another story.  Boundaries were an important part to getting peace in her life, and his life.  He needed the boundaries or he actually on an unconscious level would feel unsafe, and lack respect for her.  Many of my adult clients who have parents that did not show strength in their energy while they were growing up, look down on their parents now because it is part of our nature when developing to want to be shown the way and feel protected and safe, as well as be given clear messages on how to be.  The children look to us on how to be in the world and to show true strength in character.  The question is: what is strength?

In my opinion, strength is taking action for the highest good, and not from a space of wanting to necessarily control for the sake of being right, or getting your way.  Strength is speaking truth.  Strength is freeing ourselves from victim mentality (this may be the most important of all). Strength is vulnerability with others by allowing them to help or love you. Strength is taking action that is clear and direct without intent to harm, or wishing others to not have happiness.  Strength is not putting our agenda on others because we think it is right.  Strength is letting go sometimes.  Strength is holding up the light even if the reflection must be intense.  Strength is having the courage to look honestly at self, and stop blaming.  Strength is seeing through actions, and holding up your light if those actions do not match your frequency.  This may mean you take action to deflect and transmute negative energies.  The key hear is to do so wishing no harm and to transmute that person’s darkness to help.  If they are coming to you with their darkness, be sure, you are there to help them simply by witnessing, then dissolving with  pure light.  You are there because they need exactly what you have.  You don’t do this is in a holier than thou way, or entitled, or even with a putdown.  You do this with complete neutrality about what they do.  You do this by letting divine energies in: your higher self, Buddha, The Christ, Archangels and the other light beings you may feel aligned with.

Going back to the case of this mom and son, it did not work when she said to her son all the time, “Sweety, I need you to not do that”.  Often, he would do the behavior anyway.  However, when she shifted the message to, “No, this is not acceptable in our home.  It is unkind.” with a firm tone, lo and behold, the behavior stopped.   This is because the true message came through, and it was that she actually needed to teach him what kindness was, not by saying “Be a nice boy”, but by actually showing him the difference between a kind action, and an unkind action by affirming which was which.  Hence, she stood in her power through clarity.

This example is the microcosm, of the macrocosm.  We as pieces of the divine, as children of the Earth, as extensions of the higher self, aspects of the Supreme Being of Earth, and emanations of Source, will sometimes experience the wearing the down of the egoic mind through challenge, or through intense situations.   We must always know that every experience is a gift from divine helping us either release the ego or wear down the defense mechanisms we may have that block love and light in.  The Divine may show up as “your enemy”, and the divine may show up as losing a job.  If you are overly attached to control or to being in power in the egoic sense, then the Divine Self, will wake you up with love, or at times a swift kick in the butt. We can resist all we want, but since we ourselves are divine in human form, we only do it to ourselves.  We do it to ourselves to evolve, and we do it to ourselves to experience.  We also carry a vibration that will emanate out and re-appear sometimes immediately, or sometimes years later.  Know if the vibration we hold is one of manipulation, or other maladaptive behaviors, this vibration simply rests in your frequency and summons similar vibratory experiences.  It is not a punishment.  This is where organized religion has turned people off.  There is not punishment.  Humans are the ones who punish each other (and other species too). There is creation.  There is frequency.

It is time to let the divine move through you, and this movement, may not always be sweet or apple pie.  It may be fierce.  It may need to be powerfully intense to wake you up.  It may lead you to situations you don’t understand.  Do not blame, for it is all a hologram.  It is all you, and the vaster divine co-creating in perfection to continue to wake you up and evolve.  Welcome it, and witness it with open eyes.  See the truth of what you are being shown.  If you do not understand a trial you are in, ask daily in mediation to know and understand the true reason for your situation.  Always look inward, and look deep into the heart for the answer.  Trace the heart back to source.


With light,


Ariah Velasquez-Elmore



Ariah is a counselor, Pleiadian healer, and New-thought minister. http://www.blissfullifecounseling.info/ariah-s-healing-bloghttp://www.ariahvelasquez.wordpress.com

connect here http://www.facebook.com/ariah.blissfullife Copyright 2014

The Channelers Book release:  http://www.lulu.com/shop/ariah-velasquez-ma/love-lives-a-guide-to-succesful-relationship-through-communication-spirituality-and-empathy/paperback/product-21190066.html


Thanks to Lucas2012infos for posting!



Those who walk for the light, in the light, need not fear…for all comes from the light even if it has morphed and changed into something else as we as humans experiment with duality.  However, when you bring the light into your consciousness and body, it will always shine on what needs to be released to be brought back into the light.  You need only to listen, look, and ask.  You have free will, and yes there is divine will too.  However, if energies are sent to manipulate out of fear, jealousy, pain, whatever the root, free will will allow you to cleanse and clear your field no matter what.


Be alert daily and meditate.  Flush your energy field as well with light.  See the light in these summer days (for the western world and even in non-summer times) moving through you whole body like water purifying it.  See violet light erasing symbols of control out of your body.  You do not have to be imprinted with old family baggage, and you do not have to be imprinted with the energies of others.  You can hold your own vibration through intent and consciousness.


Sometimes, the more light you bring in, the more things may seems to push up against you, challenge…but this is all illusion.  There are no opposites.  Merge all into unity, for at this time, we move into unity consciousness if we choose.  Remain neutral and watch all that tries to bring you into focus on densities.  The truth is that all came from the light, and in the end will return to it.  Hold this knowing in your consciousness and nothing will ever harm you for you are all eternal souls.  This life is your playground to experience aspects of existence.  However, if you have grown tired of certain experiences, hold the light on them, and then witness them with neutrality.  They will merge together with the parts that are healed.


We are all powerful beings.  We can choose to use our energy for balance, for peace, for light, or we can choose to compete, to control, and to fear.  I feel many have grown tired of this latter phenomena, but they wish to not see it within the self.  Even if you feel you do not function this way, know you are one with all things on an unconscious (or for some conscious) level.  You must transmute this if it is still in your space.  You may find you need to transmute it over and over again, even maybe for the rest of this life.  Know it may be for the collective.  Do it with joy.  Do it with acceptance.   We then LOVE one another by being this way.




With light,


Ariah Velasquez



Ariah is a counselor, Pleiadian healer, and New-thought minister. http://www.blissfullifecounseling.info/ariah-s-healing-bloghttp://www.ariahvelasquez.wordpress.com

connect here http://www.facebook.com/ariah.blissfullife Copyright 2014

The Channelers Book release:  http://www.lulu.com/shop/ariah-velasquez-ma/love-lives-a-guide-to-succesful-relationship-through-communication-spirituality-and-empathy/paperback/product-21190066.html

Hi All,


I have a built a new website.  The link blog.blissfullifecounseling.info no longer works.  To go to my blog on my website you simply go to this page on it: http://www.blissfullifecounseling.info/ariah-s-healing-blog.  To receive emails when a new blog is posted, sign up for the mailing list on the home page. I have posted some older blogs that have not been released on wordpress and may have been harder to find on my old blog.  There are lots of lovely articles about all kinds of metaphysical things I have written as well some videos many of you have not seen that I made.Happy reading and watching!  Peace, Ariah




Hello! I’m back. Until…well, the next time.  Yes, it’s been a while since I’ve done one of these, but I know they are helpful.  This is one of my ways I have been called to be of service.  So enjoy, this latest infusion of honesty, spirit, and insights.  I have undergone my own metamorphosis, lightening more of my human load. May this translate into a balance between joyfulness while holding the “seriousness” of these matters :).  You could say, it was the Mystic Christ that did it, deepening my love for all, and for self.  And that Mystic Christ is me and you.  We are the living body of the Christ manifested now in several forms.  Or the living body of whichever Ascended forms you relate to.  Perhaps it’s the Buddha.  It’s all one anyway. Basically we are ascended humans living in bodies…at least we always are in one time and space.  You see, all time is now. Multiple realities exist all at once.  It’s ok if you don’t believe this fully.  Try the idea on for maybe a day, and see how it feels. See if it allows you to live life more as the way you want to live. And that leads me gracefully into todays topic.

It’s not always so simple to be you; to live life functioning in a way that works best for who you and I are as individuals, with our own design.  This week, the theme for my work with clients has been living life exactly in a way that supports who you are, and what you are here to do.  Sounds so simple doesn’t it? I mean, it’s YOU. Shouldn’t it be easy to just do what you were put here to do?  Oh dear, but then there is that unconscious mind. Oh, and don’t forget the pesky samskaras trapped in our nadis.  If I have lost some of you with this Hindu lingo, please do look it up.  Oh, fine,I’ll just tell you. It’s the karmas that get trapped in our meridians.  It is often, the blocks that hold us back, that we don’t even know about.  That’s why mantra and meditation is so darn helpful.  It works it’s alchemy into those nadis, and brings in more light to the darkness.  One of my favorites for this is Sai Baba’s version of the Gayatri Mantra.  Boy, is that powerful.  Or girl, is that strong!

I hear so many want to change jobs, or do something they have always dreamed of to finally be happy…and yet there is something in the way from actualizing it.  One of the biggest things in the way is simply fear.  And another is lack of commitment for doing what it takes to make it happen.  These two reasons result in the environment, or your reality, blocking you from the very thing you want.  It will show up like an impossible mountain that is not your fault.  It will show up as a life circumstance that keeps you trapped in the old home you used to live in, or the job that no longer serves you.  It will show up as a health issue that hinders us from having energy to do it. And it will show up as a childhood experience that taught us the wrong way to be.  Are you getting the picture?  It shows up as something outside of you that stays the reason why you can’t do that very thing.  It is conniving, and a trickster.  It makes us think we are powerless for this change.

OK, well, the beings of light, spirit, and our higher selves have come to kick some butt today.  They are here this week starting NOW, to awaken us to our personal power to change our reality by uncovering where we have placed blame on the external.  So right now, summon your divine team to intervene.  Ask your divine team, to help you witness where you have blocked your path.  Then simply acknowledge what you learn, and then love it.  Yes, LOVE IT! Love the blocks like they are your little children wanting to be held. And in a very short while, if you really, truly love what you dislike, it will melt away in the arms of your divine presence.  At least the first layer of blockage.  Then do it again, and again, until you have emptied out that area in the being.

Do pay attention when you are getting closer to releasing the stagnancy, because sometimes you may get a reaction from people.  They may see you are about to change, and they may criticize, get angry, or even appear as a scenario where you are being asked to let go of something.  For example, one client was told she was not good at her current job.  This is because she is meant to actually move to a higher position in her job world, and so the Universe is making it uncomfortable to stay stuck in the old.  Does this make sense to you?  It’s your time now! You never know what each day holds, or when it is your time to leave this planet.  Don’t waste your days feeling trapped and afraid.  We are meant to fully live now.  It’s ok if you don’t have a desire to move mountains (something another client said to me).  Perhaps, your gift is to love.  Just to purely love your family.  Maybe the happiness will be fulfilled not when you change jobs, but figure out what is blocking you from fully loving.  Ask to see what it is you are truly unhappy about.  Is it only appearing as money or a person?  It may be actually where you haven’t put your attention.

As usual, I send my light to you in these words.  If you have read this today, you must have really needed it.  I put a transmission of my love from my Mystic Christ lineage in this today.  I don’t always do that, but for some reason, I thought you really needed it.



With light and humor (alway),


Ariah Velasquez


Ariah is a counselor, Pleiadian healer, and New-thought minister. http://www.blissfullifecounseling.info





connect here http://www.facebook.com/ariah.blissfullife Copyright 2013

The Channelers Book release:  http://www.lulu.com/shop/ariah-velasquez-ma/love-lives-a-guide-to-succesful-relationship-through-communication-spirituality-and-empathy/paperback/product-21190066.html