Private mentorship sessions will not be like you are used to for those who have had healings with me.  They will actually each be a 45 minute talk where I give a transmission based on each topic of the session.  Then there will be 30 minutes for you to share your experience and insights during the transmission session, and ask one question that is related to your life.  I will then spend some time answering and this portion is actually a healing, but in more light frequency fashion, not in a Pleiadian Lightwork style where you look individually at each detail.  Becoming your true highest self is no longer about looking at each detail to every problem in your life.  It is about becoming your Christed/Bhuddic/Self which melts away all the problems as a by product of living this light and love merged into oneness.  I know each and every one of you IS this light and love. I look forward to walking hand and hand on this journey with you. With light,

Mentorship Program Course Outline

12 Private Sessions (one hour and 15 minutes) (One a month)

3 in person session M-W

Session 1: You and Your Healing Gifts

Session 2:  Awakening your full ability to heal and transmit healing power

Session 3: Become One with the Love that YOU are

Session 4: Finding your Divine Truth and Releasing Old Stories

Session 5: Becoming One With Your Divine Truth

Session 6: Bringing Your Own Divine Truth as an Active Force in Your Life

Session 7: Being the KNOWING that you are the healer

Session 8: Your Life Becomes a Constant State of Emanating Healing Light/Love

Session 9: What Type of Healer are YOU? A Saint, A Freer, An Alchemist?

Session 10: Becoming free from the Illusion

Session 11: Owning Your Power

Session 12: Initiation into the transmission of GRACE.

In Person Group 3 Day Retreats:

Session 1: Initiation to being your Bhudda/Christ Nature; Activation of the True Nature of the Mind.

Session 2: Initiation into the Light

Session 3: Being the Light as a Blesser

You can check it out at this site and even get an E-book if you don’t want the physical version. Enjoy!  The book is titled: Love Lives. It is a metaphysical book about relationship.



Mentoring Program for Healers

Many times I have been asked to teach what I do for others, and only a few have been able to take some of my classes since it was something I was not called to do very often. Lately, spirit has been inspiring me to start a Mentoring Program, which is not a weekend of learning how to do Pleiadian Lightwork, but more of my own personal system that has melded together many different traditions. The purpose is also to cultivate your own unique formula for healing and working with people. It may not be in a one on one capacity. It may be simply by holding a healing presence. Learning to bring your gifts to the forefront, can be a tricky thing, as well as a challenge to navigate in the real world. Whether you want to get paid to be a healer, or just be a force on this planet that emanates love, these are all aspects of utilizing your higher dimensional capacities to make change here on planet Earth. I am still developing the details of this program, including the cost, but it will entail coming to Florida 3 times in a year, and the Level one will last a year. You will have monthly check in and mentoring sessions, possibly twice a month. You meet with the group 3 times a year. I currently have 3 young women who are indigos wishing to begin. A huge aspect of my work will be initiating, from my Mystical Christ oriented lineage as well as my Taoist lineage. When I say Christ, it merely represents being an anointed one, one who holds total love at all times. Over the years, I have had to move through my own process for this and many of the missing pieces are falling into place now, which I believe is why I have been asked recently all at once by people to do this. If you are interested, just let me know.

With Light, Ariah


Why cleanse?

The liver and kidney in Chinese Medicine are said to hold energies of anger and fear. These two emotions are responsible for the majority of suffering in anyones life. Your colon and stomach are responsible for building your personal power. Your belly holds the energy for you to birth your enlightened state. As you balance the lower dantien as it is called in Chinese Medicine, you facilitate a powerful awakening for yourself. Your eating habits are caused by old emotional patterning and associations with comfort. You may no longer crave what you actually need, but what you want. This is a form of self-medicating. This series will help you break down the barriers that have caused illness, depression, and anxiety.

What you will get:

-Powerful herbs, a shake, and probiotics that detox your emotions, your organs, and pull mucoid plaque off your intestines and colon.

-One 2 hour session pre-cleanse, Two 2 hour sessions in the first week, and one 2 hour session the second week to clear and detox your mind, psychic body, energy field, and clear the emotional energy that is releasing from the organs.

– 15 minute daily check-ins on non session days that consist of answering your daily questions about what is happening to you as you release, as well as to consult on food and lifestyle choices. This is also to support you to stay committed.

-A nutritional and lifestyle plan that fits your particular issues. You may need other additional supplements that are just for you to bring about optimum results. You will get all the consulting you need to resolve health issues and more.

What Will It Be Like?

On this cleanse, you will be eliminating strong caffeine other than green tea; you will also be eliminating dairy and red meat. In addition, all refined sugar, and possibly even fruit sugar depending on your ailments and concerns. Lastly, you will be letting go of all processed grain which includes white flour, and potentially even wheat depending on your situation. Alcohol is also not allowed while cleansing. You will be ingesting fresh juices, whole grains (maybe), eggs (if you wish), beans, soaked nuts (maybe), fruit (maybe), and vegetables. You will also have if you like small amounts of soy, fish, or chicken depending on your ailments.

The first 3 days are the hardest because you are letting go of caffeine addiction (for most), and your body is most likely killing off pathogens, yeasts, and viruses that have been lying dormant. You will need to do this when you have time to rest. Some people need to sleep for many hours during the first 2 days.

After that, a fog will begin to lift and you will begin to have more energy, especially if you do the fresh green juices I “prescribe” throughout your two weeks. You will then get into more of a routine and find that you enjoy the meals and the herbs you are taking. Your body will actually crave these nutrients.

Through out the two weeks, you may have emotions surface. That is why it is very helpful to have the scheduled check ins and healing sessions. You will understand the underlying issues that have been causing certain physical aliments in your body. You will begin to feel like your true spiritual self, connected to your divine nature.

How do you Know About All This?

As a teenager, and young adult, I suffered from acne which led me to study Nutrition at Penn State University. I received my training as a nutritionist, and then went on to work with Naturopathic doctors to heal acne and PMS. Not only did I learn as a healer how much psychic and emotional energy links to the body, but I also learned how important cleansing and diet effect everything. I worked with acupuncturists, herbalists, and ND’s for the past 17 years. I also began to read and study on my own time the root and cause of several illnesses including cancer, candida, depression, anxiety, acne, PMS, obesity, heart disease, diabetes, allergies, immune disorders, and many many more. I have now worked with clients for 14 years merging healing with natural medicine consultations to help people find balance in all ways. It first had to start with my own curiosity about myself, and then I was able to help others.

How do I start?

You can contact me and submit your payment via credit card over the phone/skype. We will set up your appointments and I will mail you your herbs within a week. Then once you received your herbs, your treatment begins. The first consult will be a full analysis of your history, lifestyle, and emotional/psychic issues. Together we will figure out a plan for your two weeks that will carry out towards a better, happier, healthier you! All consults are on Skype or phone. International clients must be able to use Skype and pay through paypal. If you are paying through paypal, please send paypal payments after speaking with me to Payment plans are available with a credit card on file for US clients only.

The cost of the cleanse series is $1000. Normally my 2 hour sessions are $200 a session, and the cost of the herbs are $159. This cleanse has a $1,110 value, and you save $110 when you do this as a committed series with me.

If you are a new client, you will fill out a personal questionnaire and a release form before your consultation.

For all those interested, email my assistant Mark at, and he will set up our consultation to get your herbs ordered and your appointments for the 2 weeks scheduled. All appointments are on the weekdays, and only a few night appointments are available.

*******Please consult with your physician before starting this program. I am not a doctor and will not diagnose or profess to cure any ailments. All choices to do this program are your own decision. You will be required to sign a release form before starting this program.


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Today I speak about passive aggressiveness because it is frequently a choice when people are not in tune with their own wounding.  It is the heart that longs for freedom, not repression, and when the egoic mind feels like it can’t control, or be the best, or get all the attention, or any other games that the mind will tell a person they need to play, then we as humans  (when unconscious) will leave our true natures behind and attempt to harm.  When thinking about being passive aggressive, we may justify it to ourselves, and say, “Oh this won’t really hurt anyone”, because it is subtle, so what does it matter?  Yet, this is a very tiny view of the the Universe, Earth, and the multi-faceted existence we live in.

You see, every single action we take, has a reaction, whether seen or unseen. When we act from bitterness, and purposeful harm, we are only creating a world for ourselves where we attract and reflect the same things to come our way.  This does not happen by retaliation, but from the nature of the Universe to be our reflection.  The Universe will reflect what you put into it.  It is easy to blame our lives on others, but when we begin to take responsibility for our actions, we actually do create a life of splendor and peace.  When we realize every thought and action not taken from consciousness of our hearts wounds, is then displayed somewhere else in our life in the form of suffering, change occurs. It is said that what you put out there, comes back 10-fold.  Imagine if all your wounds were dissolved with your awareness, so that only loving actions are what you exhibit in the world?  How would your life look?

But what are loving actions?  Many think loving actions mean you do what others need all the time. That is not true.  If people need help, but they live there life constantly as a victim, then helping them would only serve to keep them in a painful cycle they have created.  Therefore, love does not always come in the form many would like it to.  It will come sometimes as truth, or even as a “no”.

What do you do if you are the recipient of passive aggressive behavior? Many feel safe exhibiting this type of behavior because it is covert, and so they feel they will never be called out on it.  It may not be your job to call out the behavior.  The Universe’s response to energy will do that.  So, the best thing you can do is to realize first, the deep suffering this person must be in to spend their time and energy on trying to harm others.  Not only have they had this behavior done to them many times, therefore they feel justified, but they also are quite disconnected from their source energy of light as well.

There a few things to do.  One is to call upon the Supreme being of Earth.  The Supreme being watches over Gaia, and intervenes giving healing without your needing permission.  This is because our souls have actually already contracted and agreed to this before incarnation.  We actually have asked the Supreme Being to step in when we lose our way.  You can thus call the Supreme being for that person and see the light streaming out of a large glistening presence into the person’s crown chakra.  You then ask that the light stream into their heart, and see this occurring.  Next, you ask that this person receive whatever healing they are needing right now. If necessary, and if it makes sense, you also can remove yourself from the situation.   You also want to specifically ask that whatever your soul wounding is that attracted this person to do these actions also be cleared.  Ask that all contracts, and cords be cut NOW to any aspect of you that aligns with the frequency for which they send.  And most importantly, call in the angels of forgiveness for yourself, for you past energies that now show up in the form of this person.

Another healing ritual you can do is to call about the Great White Brotherhood and SIsterhood of the Light.  You ask for them to open up a coning.  You then connect your higher self of the light to this coning.  A coning is an energy that literally comes above you and your healing space, and pulls out negative, toxic energy.  Next, summon the nature spirit Pan to connect to the coning.  Pan helps maintain integrity in a healing process as well as acts as a bridge to Great White Brotherhood and Sisterhood.  You then call upon the higher self of the person exhibiting the passive aggressive behavior to connect to the coning.  They will connect because on the higher planes, all requests from the light is responded to for all is in service to light.  Once all has been connected, you then summon any other deities of the light to connect to the coning that you resonate with.  I often use the Ascended Master Jesus Christ, as well as the mighty Elohim of Divine Grace.

When the space is set, you begin to ask for clearing to occur.  You name everything you think that needs to be cleared. Is it attacks, jealousy, blame, discord?  Once you have asked for all of this to be removed, you then summon the deities to replace all that was removed with love, peace, whatever it is your desiring.  Of course, they will not respond to request that are not of the highest divine light.

We are never victims.  No matter what others do, we have the power to create a reality we want through consciousness and healing.  When we realize all is multidimensional, this means, all souls have a spirit that is light somewhere.  When you access the true nature of the person, intervention occurs, peace prevails. Love is the most powerful force in the Universe, and heals all.  There is no darkness that trumps light and love.  As long as you know this, you are always sitting one with God/Goddess.



We are one. Ariah is a counselor, Pleiadian healer, and New-thought minister.,

connect here Copyright 2013


Positive energies prevail this full moon, particulary around projects you may have been working on bringing into fruition. A Capricorn full moon has the power to bring  to us the support we have been needing to fuel our most potent, passionate dreams. The way to bring about the most change from this moon has to do with going into your own dream space within to create.  It is a highly spiritual time today in which you can manifest from ones inner alchemy.

Why is this important?  Well, your whole reason for being in body is to carry out the mission of your soul.  When the planetary energies align to help you with this it is time to pay attention, for the more you achieve your soul mission, the less incomplete you will feel.  Fulfilling your souls longing brings you to a state of peace, and peace is truly what will bring about joy in your day to day life.  When you are at peace, you are in joy for there is no neuroticism when you are peaceful.  There is no worry, or anxiety, there is just peace and emptiness.  When I say emptiness, I mean the emptiness that rests in the divine state of oneness with Source. Let this full moon amplify your ability to feel complete so that you may then truly be of more service to all that is.  It is in this service to the whole that you will experience pure bliss.

Pay attention to the few weeks following the full moon to see what you have created.  Do not forget to focus on what you have, always, and do not be blind to your creations by looking at where you still wish for growth.  Own what you have created and your own personal ability to be that creator for the more you acknowledge your sovereignty as a divine being, the more the Universe will respond to you as just that.

Another powerful aspect of this full moon is the potential to feel deeply.  The alignment today supports you to deeply understand yourself. Ask the energies to help this deep insight and understanding to bring you the healing you have been needing for those areas that have been blind spots or areas where you get tripped up repeatedly.   The fact that you are reading this obviously shows you are deeply committed to healing.  You would not have been drawn here if you were not, so trust that the healing is coming for you.  The right people are being summoned now to help, and your own nature and truths are being assisted now for powerful illumination.

With Light,

Ariah Velasquez

We are one. Ariah is a counselor, Pleiadian healer, and New-thought minister.

connect here Copyright 2013

A 40 Day Meditation Practice geared towards releasing obstacles is extremely helpful. In numerology, 40 days breaks a pattern or habit. The interesting part about breaking a habit, is you may do so through unexpected means. For example, during your 40 day practice, you may find that you discover something that can clear an obstacle in your life you never knew before. You may find a way to say something to a person that makes them finally understand as well. Simply doing the mantra Sa Re Sa Sa, Sa Re Sa Sa, Sa Rung, invokes the removal of obstacles, and change in ones destiny, and a release of negativity. Placing the hands in Bhudi mudra (thumb touching the pinky) on each hand, with the palms facing up accompanied by chanting the above mantra for 40 days can truly clear something stubborn in a powerful way.

Sometimes, in order to clear stubborn issues, you may have to physically cleanse. When old issues stay lodged in our psyche and energy field long enough, they eventually turn physical. You may have worked on one issue for a long time, but then failed to remove it from your body. For this reason, I suggest a 7 day cleanse, and an examination of where you are taking in too much dairy, antibiotic ridden meat, and high sugar carbohydrates. In fact, research has shown that yeast and parasites in the gut can cause deep emotional problems such as OCD Disorder, Anxiety, and Depression. These foods above often are the root of yeast and parasites. 75% of life is perception and your problems may not seem like problems when you remove the mental ailments that are actually often caused by food.

Lastly, surrender it over to the Grace of great spirit/all that is/God/The Universe. Pray. Ask for grace and ease. I find working with The Elohim of Divine Mercy and of the Divine Light, and Ascended Master Jesus Christ of the light helps to have divine intervention quick. Sometimes people feel deterred from these two beings because they have been attached to religious dogma, however, these beings as their own entities are actually quite loving, powerful, and helpful. The Elohim of Divine Mercy specifically is called in for desperate times, and hopelessness; for problems that no matter what you do, won’t seem to change. I find asking for help in sets of three sends a focused, potent message to your guides and spirit realms. Simply saying: I call forth The Elohim of Divine Mercy of the Highest Divine light and the Ascended Master Jesus Christ of the Highest Divine light to help me with ______ (fill in the issue) that is so hopeless and causing me so much despair. Say 3 times. Many I have worked with have found this to help within 24 hours! Also, when you call these beings and add on “of the Divine Light”, you are specifically asking to connect with the highest aspect of this being no matter what history has said they are associated with. This helps for aspects that you might not resonate with about that being when they were in human form.

Yes, we are all one, but don’t you have specific gifts and skills personally that are highly developed? When you call in specific beings that are aligned with specific gifts and focuses they have attuned their vibration to, you can invoke the particular help you are needing. In this oneness, we all have developed our own skill set.

With much love, in this time of the lunar eclipse, and full moon in Scorpio today, it is a powerful time to start to purify old stubborn issues. The time is now to be free.

With Light,

Ariah Velasquez

We are one. Ariah is a counselor, Pleiadian healer, and New-thought minister.

connect here Copyright 2013

My first instinct was to look at the pagan roots of Easter since so much is distorted now a days by many organized religions.  And of course, the name Easter comes from the Goddess E0stre who’s totem was the rabbit which represents fertility. She is said to merge today with the divine masculine (the SUN), and then birth her child in the winter solstice. This is all symbolic for spring of course and the growth that comes with connecting with the sun. So how can you merge today with your heart and ask for growth spurts in your life? Call in the Goddess Eostre of the light to bring in those gifts and activations today for the energies are strong for this to occur.  I recommend doing this in a calm space for 11 minutes.

Now today, I woke up and immediately felt summoned by the Ascended Master Jesus Christ.  And so I knew I was to share about Jesus today and what my feeling is the true message of Easter. I do work with Jesus as well spiritually and find “him” to be an amazing light being who helped anchor powerful energies here.  It is unfortunate how his lessons and words have been distorted by some of humankind.

Easter is about Jesus being resurrected and the message that this brings is our eternity.  This morning, I actually had an astral travel and I want to encourage you to take the same journey. When I felt Jesus’ presence this morning, I immediately felt transported to the tomb in which he was resurrected.  In the tomb, I astrally went down a long tunnel, and then entered into a place that was all black.  Jesus explained this was the void, and in here I could feel my eternity.  I sat in the void knowing, we are all eternal. We merely change form, but our souls go on.  This brief stint in this body is a time to always live fearlessly, as we are eternal beings.  Jesus displayed this to us in very public, and obvious ways not so we would look at him as the only one with these gifts, but so we could learn the truth of our nature.

I invite you today,  in your meditation, to summon Jesus Christ of the light.  Ask to be taken into the ancient tomb where he laid, and then to have your own imprinting and coding transmitted to you to understand your own eternity.

Happy Easter!



We are one. Ariah is a counselor, Pleiadian healer, and New-thought minister.,

connect here Copyright 2013


This months theme has truly been around money for many. Money can be a beautiful exchange of energy or it can be a control device. Money may give a false sense of power, grandiosity, or the flip side can represent freedom.  Money can make people feel like the hero or the savior to others, but then can end up enabling those to not feel their full power.  Money can build the ego and cause it to think you need certain things that go along with lots of money, the clothes, the traditional beautiful people, and the false sense that others should give respect to you because you hold the key to freedom in this world supposedly.  However, respect comes deeply to those who truly respect and love themselves no matter what they have materialized on the outside.

I am amazed at how illusionary money power can cause people to be blind  to themselves and their issues.  To truly see ourselves, we need to be able to hear truth without defensiveness or resistance. In fact, if you hear something and immediately feel a visceral response to defend inside the body, chances are there is some truth to what is being said to you.

I listened to a video recently with Yogi Bhajan speaking, and let me tell you he is fierce when he speaks. Not sweet at all! He was speaking to the group about how the neuroticism of people cause them to constantly judge and pick on the things he says.  Those listening to spiritual insights immediately want to jump in and say, that is not true, or this is true.  Why not sit in the neutral mind and receive, absorbing whatever wishes to awaken something that needs conscious love?  Why react with anger to prove that you are ok, against what is heard?

Those whose life is consumed by making money, may very well make it, but there is another way to make it that will bring you much more fulfillment: LOVE and GROUNDING TO SOURCE. The grounding is especially important because the LOVE without grounding equals flakiness.  Love with grounding equals knowing of your worth, feeling tremendous self-love, that it overflows and pours out not only to those you speak to, but also pours out as ENERGY which attracts, more energy including money.  Speaking love, does not always mean sweetness.  It can be, but sometimes words need to be fierce.  Sometimes when people are in deep illusion and ego, you need to speak words loudly or intensely with no more sugar coats.  This is my lineage way.

This week, take a look at your relationship to money.  How does it consume you? How does it build you and add to your life, and how does it detract?  Ask in at least 3,  11 minute meditations to see yourself clearly and how money plays itself out in your life.

-Simply sit quietly, and call your higher self in.

-Then ask for 3 images to appear in your minds eye as information about your relationship to money.

-When the images appear, see if you can come up with 3 faulty beliefs that you are holding in the mind and body that are detracting from your fullness around money.

– For example, is there a belief that you must continue to work a certain job? Or is there judgments about how others should act with money?  Judgements and triggers about other people are information for yourself.  Clear these beliefs through finding where they rest in your body by saying them out loud and then thank them for being there. Yes, honor even your faulty beliefs.

-Next, breathe them out of the body and create 3 new affirmations for a new way you would like to live or a new belief you would like to have.

Example Belief: I have a lot of money, therefore people SHOULD treat me a certain way since this money gives me power in some form.

When you say this belief, let’s say you feel it in the 3rd chakra.

Next: I thank you body for holding this, I no longer need you, I release you. Exhale.

Affirm: I treat others as equals, and when they reflect to me something I do not like, I examine myself.

Do you see the difference? One way has entitlement, and the other way has consciousness!

I thank you for reading for you are me and I am you. We are one. Your souls complete my soul. “I am made whole by your life. Each soul, each soul completes me.”~ Hafiz  Let’s heal this together. We are in this together.

Peace, Ariah Velasquez

We are one. Ariah is a counselor, Pleiadian healer, and New-thought minister.,

connect here Copyright 2013

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Increasing the silence within will allow you to see the deep things you have been longing for, needing, or struggling with.  This silence can come in many ways, but the silence is about quieting the areas in the mind and psyche that are activated towards pain.  The silence can come from transmission from a teacher, an “A-HA” moment, meditation, or by mistake in the wee small hours of the morning, usually the holy hour around 3am.  If you wake at around this time, you are probably being asked by your higher self to increase the silence somewhere that is activated inside of you.

An exercise to increase inner silence:

Try getting up a half hour earlier than normal one day this week.

Sit and listen to yourself.

Review what happened the day before and reflect on what has been hurting you.

Next ask your higher self to fill your tube of light and activate your silver cord.

Ask your higher self to reveal to you, what it is you have deeply been needing, longing for.

Sit and listen.

When you receive your answer, allow yourself to experience any grief about this. Let it well up inside and come out fully. This might be tears.

Next, call in a Heart Activation Chamber of Light from the Pleiadian Emissaries of Light. Ask that they bring it around you to soothe and open the heart to receive more of what you are needing. Sit and receive this. When you feel it is complete,

refresh your grounding cord (see a cord of light going from your 1st or 2nd chakra into the Earth Star Crystal in the center of the Earth).

Affirm: I increase the silence in all areas of wounding. And so it is, so be it.

Go on with your day knowing you are increasing the silence by making space for yourself and for the heart to open.


Ariah Velasquez

We are one. Ariah is a counselor, Pleiadian healer, and New-thought minister.

connect here Copyright 2013